This was a post I made to a mailing list for a youth group I used to work with. I thought I’d post it.
I got home from practice last night, I opened my truck door and I could hear the wind rustling the leaves. The sky was clear, and the moon was bright. I just stopped and sat there and listened to the wind. One set of trees would make one type of sound and another set of trees another. I got this mental picture of God as the maestro of an orchestra conducting the events of nature. I could see him waving his baton and the heavenly host causing the winds to move.
Ok, so maybe God is not a maestro but it makes you wonder how he controls creation. Anyway, while I was sitting there I thought about the verse from John. Actually, I first heard it in the DC Talk song “Mind’s Eye” and learned later that it was scriptural. So, I looked up this verse and this one will make you think.
John 3:8
The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
So what do you think it means by “so it is with everyone born of the Spirit”? Possibly, it means that once you are born again you are on the roller coaster of faith. By that, I mean when you get on a roller coaster you know where you are going to end up, i.e. Heaven, but you don’t know where it is going to take you in the process.